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Pulis i full fart!

InnleggSkrevet: 21 Mar 2012, 15:36
TP raste hjem i sin BMW i 96 mp/h i en 60 mp/h-sone (ca 100 km/t) etter 5-0 tapet mot Bolton - og ble stoppet av politiet!
Han slapp unna med en bot på £ 2 500, men skulle "egentlig", slik jeg har forstått det, mistet lappen etter å ha fått totalt 15 prikker på sertifikatet sitt.

Skuffende eller forståelig?


Pulis was clocked doing 96mph in his BMW when the motorway variable limit was 60mph.

The Stoke City manager was facing a tot-up ban for topping 12 penalty points on his licence. But Pulis, 54, and his lawyer persuaded a court that not driving would affect his job so badly his Premier League team could get RELEGATED.

His solicitor Mike Stephenson said charities Pulis travelled countrywide to support would be hit along with companies who have invested £60million in Stoke City. He added: "They would suffer if they were relegated as a result — and the children who he would not be able to assist and the people of Stoke could suffer if Mr Pulis lost his licence."

Pulis, of Poole, Dorset, claimed he could not use a chauffeur for fear the driver would leak details of secret transfer deals that he discussed on his mobile.

He was caught speeding on the M42 in Warwickshire in November after Stoke lost 5-0 at Bolton.

He was fined £2,500 by magistrates in Leamington Spa and must pay £85 costs but was allowed to continue driving despite totalling 15 points on his licence